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Huna for Compassion: Supporting Postpartum + Mental Health

We are so thankful for the overwhelming amount of support we are receiving for our annual Mental Health + Postpartum charity campaign called Huna for Compassion running now through October 31, 2019.


What is it?

What is Huna for Compassion you ask? Huna began raising money and awareness for people living with mental illness in our local community.  For one simple reason- because people living with mental illness need our help.


Here’s the Goal

We’re a small start-up, but we’re doing what we can.  We love how this initiative is growing year after year. Awesome! Team Huna just happens to be a bunch of keeners, so naturally this year we’re aiming even higher.

We’ve partnered up with the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba.  Our goal is to raise $1500 for MDAM, which will go directly toward supporting Postpartum Depression and other hugely significant mental health initiatives across the province of Manitoba.


Good Karma and Glowing Skin

For every single Huna product purchased on our website or through our retail partners from July 27th to October 31th 2019, Huna Skin will donate $2 to MDAM.  You heard that right- we’re donating $2 for EVERY PRODUCT sold!  Not $2 for every order…$2 for every product!  So if you purchase 5 products from Huna, we’re donating $10 to MDAM on your behalf.  Then you can sit back and enjoy your good karma, glowing skin, and peace of mind knowing you’re supporting your local tribe.

Additionally, you can choose to donate to the MDAM in the Huna webstore.  Donation options are $10, $25, $50, and $100.  PLUS if you donate $50 (or more) then Huna will deliver a lovely lucious Lip Trio Gift Set to you as a special thank-you for your kindness, generosity of spirit, and loving light!  The gift is valued at $50, so it totally makes sense to give.  ?


From Darkness Comes Light

Why is mental health so important to Huna?  In 2013, Huna Founder Heather Urquhart and her husband Corrado Radicchi experienced the massive pain that can come out of mental illness.  Lisa Nichol Gibson was a dear friend and beautiful human being.  She was pure goodness & light from the inside-out.  She was the person that you looked to as a pillar of what a ‘good human being’ stood for.  She was a strong environmental advocate.  She donated blood on an extremely regular basis.  She volunteered her time and money for charity.  She ran marathons.  She was a Pharmacist by profession, and Daughter, Wife, Sister, Mother, Best Friend, and an incredibly generous, kind, sweet, caring person.

Sometimes a case of mental illness can go wrong.  Really wrong.  It can end as a tragedy, as is the case in Lisa’s story.  Lisa was a new 2nd-time Mom to Nicholas and Anna.  She suffered from Postpartum Depression (PPD) and Postpartum Psychosis (PPP), and ultimately she took the life of herself and her children.  Enter crushing pain.  Enter shock.  Enter a lifetime of grieving such a massive loss.

When the outcome is as tragic as this, sometimes all you can do is just breathe.  Just keep breathing.  Even when your chest feels like it is collapsing from within.  Just keep breathing through it.  Even when all you want to do is scream as loud as you possibly can because you are so lost, so angry, so sick with grief.  Just keep breathing.  Keep surviving.  Take it one day at a time.  Hang on.  Because it will get easier.  You will smile again.  Promise.

Out of darkness can come light.  From pain there can be passion and positive action.  It still hurts to think of Lisa.  But now we can finally see a light.  We understand the importance of sharing Lisa’s story.  Awareness brings light.  People living with mental illness need our support.  We need to work together to talk about what’s going on in our minds.  We need to listen harder.  We need to judge less- better yet, not at all.  We need to listen, hear, help, and love.


Here’s What’s Coming

Over the next several months, you’re going to see some original Blogs from Team Huna, local Therapists & Psychologists, Alternative Healers, and the Mood Disorder Association of Manitoba.  (Be sure to sign up for our mailing list on the Huna Homepage to catch everything!).  We’re opening up our souls and taking-on deep topics like-

–        Signs someone needs help

–        How to help someone you love that’s in the depths of mental illness

–        Living & coping with Mental Illness

–        Huna for Compassion: Personal Mental Health Journeys from A Compassionate Team

–        Alternative Therapies and Meditative Mantras for Healing


Thank you for taking the time to read & support this powerful initiative.

“Never be ashamed of your story.  It will inspire others.”  – Unknown.

Lot’s of love & light to you all


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