Huna Skin Health Test & 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session

Huna Skin Health Test & Huna Skin Health Coaching Session (1 Hour) gives you the combined custom support of an easy at-home clinically assessed skin health test, along with with a personalized 1 Hour Holistic Skin Health Coaching Session with a certified Herbalist and Holistic Skin Health Expert, to identify and support you to make the necessary changes in order to hone in on your most vibrant, healthy, clear, and balanced skin from the inside-out.  Healthy skin truly starts from within, and identifying the root cause to your skin issues is absolutely essential to healing and resolving your skin symptoms.

We start with the Huna Skin Health Test, a simple easy at-home hair test which clinically assesses your response to 975 common items, including; food, drink, environmental, metal, gut microbiome, and hormonal imbalances.  Huna Skin Health Test analysis is conducted in a certified ISO 9001-accredited Allergy and Intolerance Clinical Testing Laboratory facility.  Test results arrive to your email within 6-8 weeks on average.  Then we book you in for a 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session with a certified Herbalist and Holistic Skin Health Expert, in order to provide you with the guidance, know-how, tips, tricks and tools to significantly improve your skin health, vibrancy, and appearance.

Have you been suffering from frustrating unexplained skin symptoms like acne, rashes, redness, dry skin, flaky patches, chapped lips, perioral dermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, premature aging, large congested pores, cystic acne, or just an overall dullness and lackluster appearance to the skin?  Stop buying products aimlessly.  Start focusing on your Skin Health from within.  The Huna Skin Health Sensitivity Test is a comprehensive screen of 975 items which impact skin health internally, done in a super easy at-home hair strand test.

  • 975 Sensitivities Tested (food, environmental, heavy metal toxicity, gut microbiome and hormonal balance)
  • Super easy at-home test.  Simply take a few hair strands, and mail it in.
  • Customized and personalized full PDF report sent securely to your email.
  • Huna Skin Health Test offer a 100% money-back guarantee.



  • $ CAD
  • $ USD

A revolutionary game-changer in skincare and skin health.  The combination of a Clinical Skin Health Test and 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session with a certified Herbalist and Holistic Skin Health Expert, designed to empower you with the information, knowledge, skills and tools to take your skin health into your own hands.

First we begin with our comprehensive clinical Huna Skin Health Test- the only skin health sensitivity test that assesses 975 food and non-food items covering nutrition, heavy metal toxicity, gut microbiome, digestive enzymes, and hormonal balance, and provide you with a full detailed report featuring percentage (%) reaction rates or imbalances to give you a full clear picture on the internal root causes of your skin issues. Next we fully analyze your test results and schedule a personalized 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session and empower you with customized holistic skin health knowledge, tips, hacks, skills, and tools to improve your skin from the inside-out.

This unique Skin Health Test and 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session is aimed at supporting you to achieve your most optimal skin health, balance and vibrancy, using clear clinical results which will identify your root causes and guide you to make the exact diet, lifestyle, and health changes necessary to give you incredible and visible skin health results.

No more testing and trying and dishing out your hard-earned dollars for skincare product after skincare product, searching in frustration for a something (anything!!) that will work and give you the small incremental skin improvements you were hoping for.  This is a new revolutionary approach to improving and healing your skin health from the inside-out.  No gimmicks.  No empty promises.  Just a real clinical approach to identify your personal internal root core causes which are getting in your way of having the healthy, vibrant, clear, balanced skin you dream of.

The Huna Skin Health Test is a simple easy at-home hair strand test that you mail in using the directions that will be emailed to you.  In 6-8 weeks, you will receive a full easy-to-understand PDF report that is customized, personalized and detailed, outlining your key sensitivities and imbalances.

Tests are conducted in an ISO 9001-accredited Allergy and Intolerance Clinical Testing Laboratory.


Huna Skin Health Test: $150

Huna Skin Health Coaching: $250 (1 Hour)

TOTAL: $400 for Skin Health Test and 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session


How our Huna Skin Health Test & Skin Health Coaching works:

What is tested?

Food Sensitivities, Non-Food Sensitivities, Heavy Metal Sensitivities, Vitamin & Mineral Analysis, Digestive Health Analysis, Gut Microbiome Analysis, Metabolism Analysis, and Hormonal Balance.  Including common triggers found in intolerance tests such as gluten, dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, corn, and meats.

Purchase and Delivery

Following the purchase of your Huna Skin Health Test, you will receive an email with easy instructions on how to complete and mail in your at-home hair strand test.  No physical Test Kit is sent to you for this test, you will receive everything you need via email.  Simply follow the instructions, mail in your hair sample and submission form, and wait approximately 6-8 weeks for your personalized clinical test report PDF to be emailed to you.  Once you receive your personalized Huna Skin Health Test Report results via email, we will follow up with a separate email to book your 1 Hour Huna Skin Health Coaching Session with a certified Herbalist & Holistic Skin Health Expert.  Please note postage is not included- you will need to pay for the postage to mail your test in.

Sample and Results Explained

Take 3-5 strands of your hair, complete the online submission, and mail everything to our labs.  That’s it!  We’ll do the rest.  Please be patient.  Test results can take up to 6-8 weeks to process, analyze and sent back to you.  We will email you your test results in a full pdf report as soon as they are ready.  Your Huna Skin Health Coaching Session will be booked once your test results are available.  You will receive an email to book your 1 Hour Huna Skin Health Coaching Session.  If you do not receive a booking email or if you have any questions, please email us at

Accredited & Endorsed.  

We have partnered with a ISO-9001 accredited clinical allergy and intolerance laboratory who are proud members of the complementary medical association. Our expert team of bioresonance technicians and lab managers have spent the last 13 years continually developing hair testing technology to bring you the most effective hair sensitivity test on the market, covering the largest number of trigger items, all from an ISO-9001 accredited clinical laboratory facility.  In fact, our exact hair strand sensitivity tests are endorsed by the Farr Institute and recommended by Verywell Health.


Common Skin Health sensitivity symptoms:

Food and other sensitivities commonly show up on your skin!  That’s right, rashes, acne, inflammatory skin disorders, redness, undereye bags, and puffiness can be common signs of sensitivities.  Sensitivities can be very similar to an intolerance in the way the symptoms present in the body. Our Huna Skin Health Test can help you identify the root causes of your skin issues, so you can make simple tweaks and changes to your diet, lifestyle, and health and return your problematic skin to healthy, vibrant, clear, and balanced skin.


Food, Drink and Environmental sensitivity symptoms can include:

  • Unexplained Skin Rashes
  • Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Perioral Dermatitis, or other Inflammatory Skin Disorders
  • Acne breakouts and congested pores with blackheads
  • Redness and broken capillaries
  • Puffiness, undereye bags, swollen, inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps

Discover if non-IgE-mediated food sensitivities or food intolerance, gut microbiome imbalance, or hormone imbalance are at the root cause of your skin symptoms or issues in this easy-to-use at-home test.  Use the results to make positive changes to your diet and lifestyle, and see dramatic improvements in your skin health, vibrancy, and appearance.


5 Simple Steps: How to take your Huna Skin Health Test:

  1. Use tweezers to take 3-5 strands of your hair from the back underside of your head, in the comfort of your own home. Take from a place that won’t be visible.  We know it can be a bit uncomfortable, but hair testing provides highly accurate clinical testing results.
  2. Carefully place your hair strands into a small plastic bag, and ensure it is fully sealed.
  3. Fill out the submission form provided to you and place the hair sample bag and portion of the submission form into an envelope.
  4. Mail your hair sample bag & submission form to the provided address.
  5. Wait 6-8 weeks for your customized report to be provided via email. After you receive your customized Skin Health Test Report, you will receive an email to book your 1 Hour Session with a Huna Skin Health Coach via either your preference of Video or Phone Call.

NOTE: Once you purchase your Huna Skin Health Test online, you will receive an email from within 48 hours with complete instructions on how to conduct the at-home hair strand test and mail it.  Wait times for Huna Skin Health Test Report results are approximately 6-8 weeks.  Once your Huna Skin Health Test Report is ready, we will send you an email with your full customized PDF Report.  Once you receive your Huna Skin Health Test Report, you will then receive a separate email to book your 1 Hour Skin Health Coaching Session with one of our Huna Holistic Skin Health Coaches.  If you have any questions, please email us at


Your 1 Hour Huna Skin Health Coaching Session with a Holistic Skin Health Expert:

Shortly after you receive an email with your Huna Skin Health Test Report results, you will receive a separate email to book your 1 Hour Huna Skin Health Coaching Session with one of our qualified Huna Skin Health Coaches, who are certified Herbalists and Holistic Skin Health Experts.  Your Huna Skin Health Coach will show up to your 1 Hour Coaching Session having already reviewed and analyzed your test results, and ready to hear your most frustrating skin concerns and issues and provide you with real valuable usable customized skin health advice, guidance, and know-how, to give you faster and better skin health improvement results.  Get ready for your healthiest skin ever, from the inside out!


We’re disrupting and revolutionizing the skin industry…one Huna Skin Health Test at a time.


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