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5 Ways to Bring Aromatherapy into your Everyday Life

Life is so busy! Between work, being a super mom, dog walker, loving partner, and still making time to achieve my personal goals there aren’t many minutes left in a day.

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming…

I daydream about having more time for spa days and leisurely walks in the park, but the reality is I typically struggle to drink enough water, eat well and stay active! For a long time, I was in search of really simple solutions that actually helped me to get motivated, relieve headaches, or overcome moodiness. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of over the counter headache relief or sugar laden energy drinks; I was searching for natural remedies that would have a positive impact on my family’s overall wellbeing, without negative side effects.

A friend introduced me to aromatherapy about six years ago and I’ve never turned back! I find using essential oils helpful to deal with life’s emotional stresses, fatigue, mental fog and other troubles we commonly face.

When I began using aromatherapy my diffuser was my best buddy! I created a rise and shine blend, bed time blend and many others for pet odors, common colds and just about anything I could think of! As I started to feel relief and see the difference in my family members that’s when I realized using aromatherapy was becoming an integral part of our natural wellness lifestyle.

Using oils at home became pretty easy but, what about on-the-go?

Going Beyond the Diffuser…

 I’ve learned 5 easy ways to take aromatherapy with me to work, yoga class, even the dreaded line-ups at the grocery store! Not only can you receive immune support, stress relief, or a sense of calm, but you can feel confident doing it. Here’s my favorite Aromatherapy on-the-go ideas:

  1. Diffuser Jewelry – Inhaling is one of 3 ways to use essential oils in aromatherapy. Receiving the healing qualities of plants via inhalation is a staple practice for good reason. Inhalation is safe and effective; the aroma stimulates the brain, and in turn remedies issues such as insomnia, headache, respiratory congestion, and supports emotional health. There are loads of beautiful necklaces, pendants, & bracelets to suite any style choice. Diffuser jewelry can be worn by children and adults alike and is a discreet, stylish way to carry your favorite scents with you throughout the day.
  2. Personal Inhalers – We’ve all seen or used a Vick’s inhaler for nasal congestion. Aromatherapy inhalers or nasal inhalers are used the same way but can go way beyond relieving congestion and providing respiratory support. Inhalers may help with brain fog, anxiety, or to overcome emotions such as grief and anger. Simply place a few drops of desired essential oil or blends on the cotton pad, insert, and seal, it’s ready to use! Using a personal inhaler is simple and affordable way to take aromatherapy on-the-go.
  3. Roller Bottle Blends – Typically these ready-to-use blends consist of various essential oils which are diluted in carrier oil. You can apply the oils topically on wrists, collar bone, and the back of your neck to provide relief or support for many common ailments. My personal favorite pocket blends are for headache relief, digestive support, and uplifting blends to help me focus and feel energized throughout my work day
  4. Lotion or Cream – Essential oils are concentrated liquids containing volatile aroma compounds from various plants. In order for our bodies to actually absorb the oils safely and effectively essential oils needs to be diluted with a carrier oil or lotion which can penetrate the outer layer of our skin. Using natural skin care products which don’t contain harsh chemicals and fillers, but rather are loaded with skin healing nutrients, antioxidants and botanical ingredients which help to nourish and restore your skin. These lotions smell fantastic, deliver real results and you can feel confident knowing you’re only getting the good stuff.
  5. Car Diffusers & Essential Oil Plug-in Air Fresheners – These nifty little gadgets replace chemical based air fresheners and are super easy to use. Most styles come with reusable pads which you place a few drops of essential oils onto, insert into the diffuser, and plug into an outlet or car lighter. Boom! No need to be frustrated by rush hour traffic or have a case of the Monday’s when you’re stuck in the office. The best part is you can ditch the areole air fresheners and synthetic fragrances!

There are so many great local businesses centered on aromatherapy, DIY classes and workshops, and local markets with vendors who specialize in natural wellness solutions. Keep it simple, no need to tote around a collection of essential oils everywhere you go. Stash a couple pocket blends in your bag, put on your new favorite bracelet and head out knowing you’re ready for whatever comes your way. If you’re already using aromatherapy on-the-go share comments on your own favorite blends and the best places to shop for aroma jewelry. We’d love to hear from you!


Written by Vanessa Stiles

Production Manager & Aromatherapist for Huna Apothecary


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