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Huna named International Power Woman in Green

Huna Apothecary is absolutely thrilled to named a Power Woman in Green! Check out the Global Podcast Interview for Power Women in Green! PWiG just launched globally, they operate out of Europe, and is founded by green-lover Ellen Hielkema.
PWiG is all about the revolution that’s happening on the planet right now: Women making the world into a better place one business at a time. It celebrates powerful, thoughtful and driven women with a vision for a greener and better planet.
Huna Apothecary is proud and delighted to be named the first global Power Woman in Green! Yipee! Check out our Global Podcast Interview with PWiG below. To celebrate this huge milestone for Huna Apothecary, we are happy to offer you 20% off your Huna purchase at Just use the offer code “powerwomengreen” at our website check-out.
Global Power Women in Green Podcast Link:
One comment on “Huna named International Power Woman in Green”
Congrats on your recognition. Love that you added in a discount too. Keep on thinking green!